The 10th edition of Cosmoscow Fair was held at Gostiny Dvor from 14 to 17 September.
This year, Booroom Gallery turned to find a balance between the emotional and the material, an idea and its realization with the help of rare techniques. We were happy to present Charles Kalpakian's Castle collection, custom-made for the gallery in a limited edition. The bench from the series seems fragile and weightless due to the materials, white onyx and tinted ash. The object becomes a symbol of the union of strength and fragility, the energies of yin and yang, masculine and feminine. The same universal language of infinity, birth, space and the beginning of the world is spoken by Tomonari Hashimoto's ceramic sculptures with textures reminiscent of oxidized metal. As part of the exhibition, we also showed the timeless works of French designer Christophe Delcourt, miniatures by young artist Kolya Dykhne and steel sculpture by renowned Portuguese master Ruy Matos.